Category: Meeting Notices - 2013

Sensors and Instrumentation Technical Advisory Meeting (SITAC)



January 29, 2013
9:30 a.m., Room 6087B U.S.
Department of Commerce
Bureau of Industry and Security
Washington, DC 20230


Open Session:

  1. The open session covered the following topics:

1. Welcome and Introductions.

2. Remarks from the Bureau of Industry and Security Management.

3. Industry Presentations.

4. New Business.

Welcome and Introductions.

The SITAC chair, Mr. John Goodrich1 opened the meeting with an introduction of the attendees.

Remarks from the Bureau of Industry and Security Management:

Top four destinations requesting licenses for dual use infrared cameras were in descending order of value: Suriname ($23M), Switzerland ($11M), Russia Federation ($5.6M), France ($7M), Israel ($4.9M), and Brazil ($4M).

Note: Over the same period in the prior FY, there were a total of 143 export applications closed. Of these 117 were approved, 2 rejected, and 24 rwa’d. The value of the closed applications during this period was $13,860,419.
