Category: Meeting Notices - 2014

Transportation and Related Equipment Technical Advisory Committee

May 7, 2014
 U.S. Department of Commerce
Bureau of Industry and Security
Washington, DC



TransTAC members in attendance: (Industry) Mr. Ari Novis1 (TransTAC Chair), Mr. Brent Baustain1, Ms. Kimberly DePew, Mr. Jim Downs1, Mr. Chad Gericke, Mr. Dean Johnson, Ms. Julie Kelly, Mr. Michael Osborne, Mr. Howard Pfeifer, Mr. Donald Stevenson1, Mr. Ernest Tong, and Mr. Todd Zarfos. (Government) Mr. Gene Christiansen (DFO). Others present: The complete list of attendees is attached at the end of these minutes.

Opening remarks
Mr. Ari Novis called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m. and introductions were made around the room.

The discussion concerned the implementation of first two phases of ECR, with emphasis on issues common to the industry. Finding resources to review proposed rules, and two review and implement the final rules is an Industry issue. This is especially true when multiple rules are published in a short period of time. While the sooner the rules are out the less transition time, the reclassification task is limited by available resources.

A request was made for an informal redline showing changes in the regulations and clarifications from the proposed rules to the final rules. This will reduce review time as we can concentrate on only those items that have changed. DoD has asked for the same.

Another issue involves clean-up rules published days before the rules become effective. This is not a big issue for minor wording corrections, but can be a big impact if they effect classification interpretation.

There is pressure to get the changes complete while there is support from the Administration.

CCL Review – Working Group Reports
Transportation TAC (TransTAC) members described the status of the review for Categories 7-9 of the Commerce Control List (CCL), as well as efforts underway by the Composite Working Group.

Category 7

Inertials -Mr. Mike Osborne provided a status on the Inertial portion of Category 7:

The TWG is focused on Wassenaar Arrangement proposal support. Looking forward to control language for clear regulations based on data typically provided by manufacturers, which also assists control officers both in the US and Participating States.

AFCS- Mr. Don Stevenson provided a status on the AFCS TWG:

The TWG is focused on Wassenaar Arrangement proposal support, with a proposal submitted on Fly-By-Wire controls. There is additional data in the Closed Session.

Category 9

9.D.4– No work has been done on the update to 9.D.4 to reduce overlap with 9.D.1 and .2.

9.E.3.a.4/a.5 TWG Status- Ms. Kim DePew provided a status on the a.4/a.5 working group activities.

The TWG is moving on to align 9.E.3.a.4 with the recently updated 9.E.3.a.2 and 9.E.3.a.5 measurement methodology, with a proposal submitted to the Wassenaar Arrangement. There were very few questions during the April WA TWG

Composite Working Group

Ms. Kim DePew provided a status on the Composite working group (CWG) activities.

The CWG continues to meet monthly, and is ready to support/provide comment on foreign proposals. The submitted a proposal for 9.E.3.a.3 (composite engine parts) to eliminate overlap with 1.E.1.

A new, simplified draft white paper was submitted to the MTAC on how the controls apply to scrap and other composite materials for recycling. In many cases, these may materials scrapped or rejected because they don’t meet the required specifications.

The Advisory Opinion related to the scope of the General Technology Note has come back and was published on the BIS website. The GTN is intended to apply to all items, regardless or "required" or a reference to the GTN.

The CWG has also developed a list of additional items to work:

Gearbox Working Group

Mr. Rizwan Ramakdawala reported that there has been a Gearbox TWG telecon with Bell, Boeing, and Sikorsky, with more information available in the Closed Session.

UAV Working Group

Mr. Rizwan Ramakdawala reported that there have been two TWG telecons on UAVs in general. The discussion involved the current commercial/civil regulations in respect to airworthiness, airspace, etc. The plan is to start with an understanding of where the civil authorities are today. There is also an attempt to identify those characteristics that differentiate a UAV from a manned aircraft.

Objectives/New Teams

Continue to review Categories 7, 8, and 9 for possible updates.

Would like to leverage the TAC as a clearinghouse for ECR, as we have Commerce, DoD, and State in the room with Industry.

Proposals/Comments from the public

There were no comments from the public.

The Open Session adjourned at 10:05 a.m.


Open Session Attendees

May 7, 2014 TransTAC




Ari Novis (P)

Pratt & Whitney

TransTAC Chair

Brent Baustain (P)

Rockwell Collins


Kim DePew

General Electric Aviation


Jim Downs (P)

Florida Turbine Technologies, Inc.


Janelle Gamble

The Boeing Company


Chad Gericke

Airbus, Inc


Dean Johnson

Systron Donner Inertial


Julie Kelly

The Boeing Company


Michael Osborne

Honeywell International, Inc.


Howard Pfeifer

United Technologies


Donald Stevenson (P)

Honeywell International, Inc.


Ernest Tong

General Electric Gas Turbines


Todd Zarfos

The Boeing Company


Dan Manger

Toray Composites

MTAC Chair

Tom May

The Boeing Company


Jamieson Greer

Skadden Associates


Gene Christiansen



Dan Squire



John Varesi



John Albert



Art Kron



Rizwan Ramakdawala